
How Being More Energy Efficient Can Have A Positive Impact On Your Budget

solar panels being installedEarth Day is coming up on Monday, April 22nd, and it has us thinking about way we can have an impact on the environment. Whether you want to be kinder to the environment or you simply want to save money on your home expenses, making energy efficient choices is in your best interest. There are many ways that you can make simple changes that can have an impact on your pocketbook. Depending on how much initial work and money you want to invest depends on the change you will see. By consulting a professional for an energy audit you will be able to have a starting point in ways that you can make your home more energy efficient. He will be able to tell you if you are perhaps hemorrhaging energy from a leaky attic or if there are bigger issues that need to be addressed.  

Grow a Happy Garden by Following These Tips

The advantages of being a home owner don't stop once you walk outside. As anyone who enjoys the outdoors will tell you, your property is a blank slate just waiting for a little landscaping TLC. Improving upon your home's surroundings will greatly add to its curb appeal, making it the envy of both the neighborhood and future buyers. Of course, one of the most effective ways to accomplish this goal is to plant a lush, colorful garden out front for all to enjoy! If this is the point at which you curse your lack of a green thumb, then don't panic; keep reading for some simple tips that can make any garden grow.

Don't Believe These Home Insurance Myths

flooded cityIt's a law of human nature: people don't want to spend money on something that they might never need. As a result, insurance is often viewed with distrust and suspicion. Although some insurance plans really are unnecessary (phone insurance, anyone?), home insurance is not. Purchasing your house is likely to be the largest financial commitment of your life, so you need it to be protected! The average person could never afford the home repairs that often follow disasters, which is why most mortgage lenders require you to purchase home insurance. Unfortunately, there are a number of misconceptions out there that can cause a serious headache when you need it least! Here are some of the biggest myths surrounding home insurance, and why they shouldn't be believed.