How Being More Energy Efficient Can Have A Positive Impact On Your Budget

solar panels being installedEarth Day is coming up on Monday, April 22nd, and it has us thinking about way we can have an impact on the environment. Whether you want to be kinder to the environment or you simply want to save money on your home expenses, making energy efficient choices is in your best interest. There are many ways that you can make simple changes that can have an impact on your pocketbook. Depending on how much initial work and money you want to invest depends on the change you will see. By consulting a professional for an energy audit you will be able to have a starting point in ways that you can make your home more energy efficient. He will be able to tell you if you are perhaps hemorrhaging energy from a leaky attic or if there are bigger issues that need to be addressed.  
One of the small changes that you can make is simply unplugging machines that are not in use. Appliances often drain energy even when not in use. There is a way to find out which devices are using the most energy by utilizing a tool called Sense. This tool can also monitor your home's energy use continually so that if anything out of the ordinary is occurring it can alert you by way of an app on your phone. 
Some of the changes that can make a difference are simply by swapping out certain items in your home. Light bulbs are one change that can make a substantial impact in your energy usage. Changing any incandescent light bulbs to the newer LED bulbs will make a big difference in the amount of energy that you consume. You may not think that one light bulb can make such an impact but when you multiply by every light bulb in your entire house then you will see what it can do to your budget. Another simple switch can be made in the bathroom with your showerhead. Choosing a low flow showerhead can conserve a substantial amount of water which can help to lower your usage and amount of consumption. 
Updating any old appliances with new energy efficient ones are definitely a good choice to make. Old appliances require more energy to run so if you can choose to change out your appliances it is best to do so. Once you make some upgrades you can also choose to utilize the “eco” modes some new appliances offer. These modes often use lower water and energy consumption at the price of perhaps taking longer which can be an inconvenience at times. Another update you can benefit from would be to an programmable thermostat. They can automatically control your heating and air conditioning systems to work in the most efficient way that suits your needs. Making sure that your HVAC systems are serviced regularly will also keep your efficiency at its best level. 
Solar panels are a choice that some homeowners make in order to support their homes energy needs. Before deciding on such a big step it is often wise to make sure you have implemented the other suggestions before laying out money for such a huge system. Although pricing has come down in the last few years it is still quite an investment. Having your home working as efficiently as it can before you make such a step would be in your best interest. 
Whatever changes you can make however, small or large, it is wise to remember that every little bit can help. Choosing to be energy efficient can help both the future generations as well as your overall budget!