Home Improvement

Have You Installed a Rain Barrel Yet?

It bears repeating that it is always a smart idea to try and do your part to help out your local environment and an added bonus might be some money in your pocket as well! You might not realize it, but chances are pretty good that you use a lot of water around your home's exterior. Every time you turn on the hose or carry out a watering can, you are both spending money on your utility bill and using up a precious resource. Luckily, there's a simple and effective way to curb your impact: install a rain barrel! Here are some great reasons why you should consider this simple improvement. 

Why You Should Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Windows

If you live in an older home, then take a minute to examine the windows. Are they a single pane of glass? Can you feel air flowing around the frame? Many homeowners don't realize that their outdated windows are costing them serious money in heating and cooling bills. By upgrading to modern, energy-efficient windows, you can save money in the long term while also improving the livability of your home! Keep reading to learn why replacing your old windows is well worth the cost.

How Being More Energy Efficient Can Have A Positive Impact On Your Budget

solar panels being installedEarth Day is coming up on Monday, April 22nd, and it has us thinking about way we can have an impact on the environment. Whether you want to be kinder to the environment or you simply want to save money on your home expenses, making energy efficient choices is in your best interest. There are many ways that you can make simple changes that can have an impact on your pocketbook. Depending on how much initial work and money you want to invest depends on the change you will see. By consulting a professional for an energy audit you will be able to have a starting point in ways that you can make your home more energy efficient. He will be able to tell you if you are perhaps hemorrhaging energy from a leaky attic or if there are bigger issues that need to be addressed.